Monday, January 26, 2009

Solid Footing For All!

It wasn't nearly as bad as you might think ... honestly. Today Reannon, Lily and I raked the about 20 wheelbarrels full of poo from the indoor arena and cleared it for solid footing for our four-legged friends (and for us, as Deb pointed out). It is soooo much better, I think you'll agree. However, in searching for the perfect photo to post with this comment on the blog -- I found this ... and was thinking that this may actually be a good way (a fundraiser of sorts) to make money for our trip to Montana. What do you think ladies? Kidding.


Ginny McFadden said...

Well, that's one way to stay warm . . . A big thank you from me and Lucky.

Debbie said...

Like I wrote on the board...kudo's to you three. Huge project, thank-you. Leatha and I are going to make arena cleaning part of our routine at the end of the day just like sweeping the floor. That way we can keep up on it. I was all excited to lunge Kali, but she has a swollen back ankle :( I think she knew. Maybe Wednesday night.

A. H. Atkinson said...

Yeah! I think if we can all keep up on it, the job won't be so big. I can't wait to ride on it with Harley and Solo.

Debbie said...

O.K. girls, I did clean up in the arena on Wedesday night. Two and a half "sexy" wheel barrows full, I was done. It was worth it. My thought....That was about two days worth. Can you imagtion the mound of poop at the end of the drive by the time spring comes.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like another way we can count our trips to the barn as actual exercise! Good idea to keep up on it...sorry I have been totally gone for the last few months. Thanks for taking care of Mickey too, Deb and Leatha and everyone!