Monday, January 19, 2009

Montana Cattle Drive

Plans are in place for Reannon, Amy & Melissa to participate in the Montana High Country Cattle Drive in June. The trip will take us to the mountains of southwestern Montana. If you look on a map and find Helena, you'll see a large lake called Canyon Ferry Lake. The cattle drive winds through the Big Belt Mountains just east of Townsend, MT. During this drive, we'll move between 400 and 1000 head of cattle giving us each the chance to chase cattle as there are many mini cattle drives that need to happen within the large drive. Check it out online if you'd like to find out more about our trip.

1 comment:

Ginny McFadden said...

Hey Cowgirls:

I checked it out and It looks like you are in for quite an experience. Make sure you have warm clothes, as they suggest—just in case. When I worked in the Wind River Mountains in Wyoming (long ago), we sometimes would encounter snow even in the middle of summer! You'll come home with a lot of lifetime memories.

See you soon.