Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Lucky's Leftovers

As some of you know, Saturday morning I mixed up Lucky's monthly dose of Dex into what I thought should be a tasty mix of grain with lots of cut up apples. She sometimes loves it, but not the case on Saturday. She took a couple of bites and that was that! I even added more apples after our ride, but no go. So, rather than toss the leftovers, I brought them home in a plastic bag with the idea that I might make them into cookies or something. I did just that yesterday. Took a quick look online and then added molasses, leftover applesauce, brown sugar, and some baking mix to her leftovers. Dropped by spoonfuls on baking sheet and baked at 300 degrees for over an hour until they were firm. They smelled pretty good, so I was hopeful she would like them. I tried them out today and, guess what? She liked them! Can't share though, because they have the Dex in them. Any ideas out there for her next month's dose?


Debbie said...

Hi Ginny,

Just a thought, if she is expecting it in a special treat of grain ....what about a scoop of senior? A different taste? You are free to try it. My bin of senior is in the grain room. It is the tall blue one on the right hand side as you walk in. Good Luck. Deb

A. H. Atkinson said...

Can you take home the Dex and make up a bunch of treats to use each time. Or, do you think she'll catch on to you and stop eating them after a while leaving you with wasted Dex and treats no one else can eat?

Ginny McFadden said...

The dex is at home, so maybe I'll just make her a batch of cookies once a month. I might try it with the Senior, too, Deb, but I think she is on to that routine. This blog is so great. I really appreciate the feedback.

Debbie said...

Just wondering, does heating the dex do anything to it?

Pam said...

that was my thought too about the heat of oven changing the properties of the Dex ...maybe ask the vet.....Could we add Dr. Visser to our blog? HEEHEE maybeeee

Reannon Lamb said...

What about mixing it with applesauce??