Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Our Little Winter Wonderland

I came back to Kentucky after winter break hopeing that it would be warmer...(it wasn't) we had our banquet and then I started college. I like my math and soc. 101 teachers they like their jobs and are great teachers. My english teacher is like any other teacher doesn't really care if he is there or not and I don't like english to begin with so it may be a long semester in his class.

We had a long weekend this past week with no school on Monday, therfore we rode. We being Natalie (my new sister and the 19 year-old I moved in with her and her parents), Ethan (a friend that attends UK), and I. It snowed here Sunday and Monday and it is snowing again today. Natalie rode Indy her 3 YO Rocky Mountain, Ethan rode Casey, who is a gaited Arab, and I rode Roman who is the horse I rode and won on all year. All of us were riding bareback out in the feild because we don't have any trails we can get to without trailering several miles away. We gaited and cantered around when we found a stick to see how well our horses would respond to us waving a stick around them. They didn't care at all. Ethan has never ridden Roman and he wanted to feel how he moved, so he wanted to switch horses but neither of us wanted to get off to switch horses...so we worked around it. I got on Casey so that we were riding double before Ethan got on Roman. It was really funny and turned out great. I hope you all are having as fun up there as we are having down here!!


Debbie said...

Hi Brie, How great to hear from you. The blog is a great way to stay connected to the barn up to the barn down. Looks like you were having a good time.Another reason why you need to learn to jump up bareback from the ground HEEE HEEE. Those Rockies can't be that tall, are they? Sorry you don't like all your classes, but I have no dout you will do great in them.

Ginny McFadden said...

Hi Brie:

Nice to hear from you and fun seeing the pictures. Seems like Ethan had the tougher job on switching horses, because he was in front!

I'm not sure we are having quite as much fun as you, because it's been sooooo COLD this past week.

But, today we are having a heat wave (25-30ยบ), so did manage a ride out back.

Good luck with your studies.

Brie said...

Roman the red one is about 15 2 I think. Indy the black one is 16 hands. Casey is 14 3 I think. We just didn't want to get down becauses we were so cold we didn't want to loses thier body heat for a second!!!

Your heat wave is about what our temps have been. It finally warmed up here today to about 40 degrees.

The blog is great to keep in touch and here about everything that is going on up there!!