Saturday, January 31, 2009

Friday Night

The arena is looking great. Thanks Reannon for the clean up job on Friday. I finally got to use it Friday night. I lunged Kali. She did great. The funny thing is, as she was walking or trotting, she would keep her head as low to the ground as she could. It was as if she was watching where she stepped, so she wouldn't step on a frozen poop balls. Or she was wondering "hey there use to be all these frozen poop balls around that would hurt my feet, and now they're gone". It was good. I didn't canter, even the ground is rock hard in most places. We'll see how her feet feel on Sunday.

Leatha does this ground work with Gaitor where she snaps a whip all around him and put the whip all over his body, and he has to stand still. He did great. As I was watching I said "there's no way Kali would let me do that because her response is movement whenever I crack the whip." After lunging I thought I would give it a try. To my amazement and Leathas she did even better then Gaitor. She never moved at all. Then I ground tied her, walked around her snapping the whip and rubbing the whip all over her body again she didn't move at all!!!!! What a good girl!!! Can't wait to ride on Sunday :)

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