Saturday, January 10, 2009

Horses Gone Wild

Wanted to share what the horses have been doing the last two nights that I was at the barn. (Wednesday and Thursday). I think they are tried of the winter too. With their paddock alittle more condusive to streching their legs, they're doing just that. With Lucky in the lead, Solo and Sweet Pea not to far behind they come running in the arena at a full gallop. Once in the arena, they spin in circles and buck and buck. They are not after anyone, they were playing and going wild. Then they would run full gallop back out into the paddock. Then back into the arena and do it all over again. This goes on for at least a half hour. Leo and Little Moon would "hide" on the far wall as if they were saying maybe if they can't see us they won't get us. Very cool to watch. Lucky also would make her snort noise once outside and look very alert, head high, ears up. Very beautiful. It really showed her power.

Thursday night when I was out checking on Kali (she was much better, no bute) they went wild again. I thought maybe something was spooking them. I went out to take a look, it was dark with the motion light on. I would look in the direction that Lucky was looking (and snorting). I heard a pack of coyotes howling and yipping!!!! Now before I continue with my story, I must remind you all that I can have a very creative, and imaginative brain. Soooo...I start thinking about those coyotes!! What if they come to the barn.....I shouldn't be out here. I should close the door, and be close to the intercome so I can call Charlie to my rescue. But if I'm in the barn, close to the intercome, I won't see them coming. Besides they could get into the barn via the arena door!!! Could they take down a horse. My common sense said no...but my little creative brain wouldn't let me. O.K. maybe they couldn't take down a horse. Besides if it tried the other horses would come to their aid.....right? But then again, what if they went after the weakest of the herd. (prey animals do that in the wild you know) They would go after LITTLE MOON!!!!!! Oh horror, would the herd save her???? After this, I realized to get a grip on myself. My common sense came back. No a coyote pack could not take down a horse!! So I continued to go outside and watch the horses go wild. I brought the bute back up to house, I shared my imagination with Charlie, who of course laughed at me. But I just couldn't let it go. Right before I left I had to ask it......"Now Charlie I am correct in saying that a coyote pack couldn't take down horse, right?" He laughed and said "Nooooo" only like Charlie can say.


Ginny McFadden said...

Thanks, Deb. I can just picture Lucky. Not sure I like the thought of coyotes on the prowl, but I guess our herd could scare them off. I hope.

A. H. Atkinson said...

Oh, I giggled so hard reading your post. I can totally hear Charlie saying "Nooooo" and I can totally imagine your brain running wild with the idea of the coyotes praying on our dear horses. I would have been imagining the worst right along with you if I had been out there by myself in the dark, dark night.