Monday, January 19, 2009

Saturday's Successes!

I was all by my lonesome at the barn on Saturday morning/afternoon, and was putzing around as usual. It was too windy to head out on the trail, and I felt bad kicking everyone out of the arena, so I just pulled the "supplement crew" (aka Montana, Leo & Moon) out to do our thing, and thought for a while about what I could work on with Leo without riding. I decided she needed her bridle path trimmed, which is a good exercise for her since she's only had clippers used on her 2 other times (both with me). And she was a CHAMP!!! I took her halter off, had her stand by the end stall by the outlet/pump room with some hay, and she let me go all over her with the clippers - fetlocks, coronet bands, bridle path, throat latch, and even inside her ears (I didn't clip much from these areas, it was more of a "will she let me go near it" thing). She never even lifted up her head, she just shook it once or twice to get the hairs out of her ears. I was such a proud mama since it was only her third time and she was sooo good!

And then there's success #2 - Leo has another horsie friend in the herd besides Moon! After I put my freshly-clipped horse back into the herd and was getting ready to leave, I looked at the horses inside and much to my delight I saw her and another horse face to face "nibbling" each other's necks like they had missed each was Mickey! Finally - my horse has a new friend, maybe even a "boy" friend???


A. H. Atkinson said...

Yippee! I'd love your help with the clippers with Harley sometime. She likely has absolutely no experience with them at all and isn't wild about the little shavers.

Debbie said...

That is exciting!!! It's fun to just dink around with them and see what you and they can learn together, in quite ways. Congrats :)