Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Monday Night/Heat Hut Kitty

Lots to talk about......Trying to lunge Kali on Sunday in the arena did not go well. The frozen poops were like walking and trotting on rocks!!! Worried that her or I would twist an ankle I quit. Frustrated in that I guess I will just take her out riding and see what happens???? Well talking to Charlie about this, he recommended using the babies outside paddock. Wondered if anyone eles was up for it. I am going to try it Wednesday night.

I think Little Moon now thinks that she is a member of the 3 amigos (Kali, Lily, and Mickey). She came in as usual after I pulled the three for Aunt Debbie to spoil her with hay. Then when I put the three back, they all got along great. They accepted her, no chasing. It was so cute to see the four lined up at the four post eating hay out of bags. Peaceful......until I had to open the arena to let the herd in.....Sweet Pea....total craziness.

I made new ties for closing the gate on the arena, let me know if you like them. The lead rope was awful bulky for me.

Heat Hut Kitty!!!!!
The last few times out while in the heat hut with Leatha, we would hear Dusty meowing in the middle barn. I would open the door, he would slowly come out, we would bring him into the heat hut. The first couple times he was a little hesitant. He found a little bed on top of a wood pile, drulled and begged for bets. Last night was even cutier!!! He came into the heat hut by himself, checked it out even further. When I would go down to the barn, I left the door open a crack so he could get out if he wanted. Sure enough he comes running right behind me, came into the barn ate his mouse and left. When I went back up to the heat hut....there was Dusty lying on his bed on top of the wood pile. I was nice to have his company!!!

1 comment:

Reannon Lamb said...

It's so funny you mention about Dusty! When I was out Sunday night I heard him meowing in the hay barn as well (while I had Leo's blanket strung up in the heat hut trying to dry it out), and I thought that maybe he was stuck in there (I know, I know...cats can get in and out of tight places, but the sap in me thought maybe he was stuck!). I saw him come out and try to come around the heat hut just north of it, but the snow was so deep he only came about half way. I opened the big hay barn door (next to the heat hut door) and just kinda waited for him to come out. Eventually he did, and I opened the heat hut door and he came right in! I thought it was so funny...he did also follow me down to the barn and got to munch on some food and maybe a mouse too...Thanks for sharing!!!