Saturday, January 24, 2009

Little Lily

As many of you know, Lily turned 10 last week Thursday (the 22nd). Since this just does not seem possible to me, I went looking back through old photos and found a couple I thought might be of interest to everyone at Thunder Hill.

The one where she is wearing a bandana is from the Fall of 2004 (Lily at age 5). The second one is in the January of 2005 (at age 6). Anything taken prior to this was pre-digital camera for me. I have a few. I'll bring them out to the barn sometime. Pretty amazing actually. WHY wasn't I more afraid for her safety? She was soooo little. You all made it possible for her to grow up at the barn. I believe she is a better person today (and will be for the rest of her life) because of the time she has spent at the barn with all of you. Thank you!


Debbie said...

I love little Lily!!! I remember all to well how she use to cower in your body when ever I talked to her. She was sooooo shy. It is a blessing that you had the opportunity to give her this gift. It can take a barn to raise a child. Like Bre, I do beleive that they become better girls, women because of it. Great lessons for self esteem and confidence. It will only keep getting better. What a lucky mom, to have such a lovely daughter.

A. H. Atkinson said...

Thank you Deb! She loves all you ladies. I'm glad she's overcome her shyness to be able to talk to you all so easily.