Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I had a really long day and decided to write about it. This is what I did the day before we got the ice storm and now we are all stuck inside with lots of damage to trees I will get pic's up later! I woke up and laid in bed for a little bit and right as I was getting up to go to the bathroom and go feed Brett came out of his room and took over my bathroom I should have known that was how my day was going to go! I knew I was going to have to feed and that would have been fine and dandy except that when I got down to the barn Indy and Grace were right up behind the barn meaning someone broke the fence that I would now have to fix. This also meant that they were not going to listen to come into the barn to be fed because I first had to get them out of the fence in area they broke. In my attempt to get them out they pulled the rest of the fence out and truly broke it. Then they were all scared and didn't go back in there for me to get them in the barn I got Racke and Indy in their stalls but Grace and Roman had to share the big stall because Sony was in Grace's stall. They came and neither of them went in to the stall so I tried to get them in and ended up having to force them in after they each ran in and out a few times. Then I let KC and Smocha in. I fed and before I could even get everyone their food I was about to kill Smocha (had I not stopped him I can almost guarantee you he wouldn’t have seen day light again) I was going in to get Sony and Racke’s food when I saw Laz and as I was going to feed Racke I watched Laz to make sure he made it out of the barn unscathed by KC or Smocha who were in the middle of the aisle. Smocha pined his ears and swished his tail so I threw the empty feed bowl at his head (and I actually hit my target) right before he tried to kick Laz which made him hesitate long enough to save the cat. Then I kicked everyone but Sony out. I got Racke's stall ready for Sony and dumped water on myself. Then I went up in the loft and threw 2 bales of hay to feed. I carried both bales out to where the horses couldn’t get to them and decided I didn’t want to deal with the horses so I threw one bale over the fence into the dressage arena which was closed from the night before, in doing so I popped my back which made it hurt. I then climbed over the fence to realize I had nothing to cut the bale open with so I climbed back over to get scissors. Then back over the fence (that is number 3 for those who haven’t been counting!) I spread the hay and at some point I twisted my ankle. I was putting some of the hay in the round bale feeder where I decided to pick up the twine that held it together. Which was all twisted up and attached to the palate underneath, I also found that the horses broke off another piece so that the feeder was sharp and asking for a cut leg. I took all of that to the barn and opened the gate so that they could get in. I attempted to fix the fence…HA! I picked up the broken pieces and made it so that nobody could be cornered in there. Now I finally got to go inside and watch T.V. or something right? WORNG! I got inside and sat down when Diana asked me to go get the horses back in the barn because we were having hay delivered. Have you ever tried to get horse to leave timothy hay to stand in a stall? I got Grace in without a problem. Then I snuck up on KC, by attempting to get Racke who moved away right as I got to KC’s head, and got him inside. Then I went and I planned on getting Racke and Indy in but I couldn’t get Racke or Roman or Smocha so I settled for just Indy I now put her in with Grace in the big stall and both of them wanted out so I was going to give them access to the round pen. However we just got a new round bale feeder and it was still in there so I had to move it first. But before I could even do that I had to give Indy, Grace and KC hay and water. Yes that is right more water and it again ended up on me. Then I went out to move the round bale feeder alone. I was able to get it up and moving and that was probably the easiest part of my day. I let Indy and Grace into the round pen and was heading to the house again when Diana got back and needed help moving the trailer so that the hay could get though. I helped with that then opened all of the gates to let Troy in and closed them all. I moved the round bale feeder next to the new bale of hay. I couldn’t get it to fall over so I went over by Diana and Troy to wait until they were done to help. They were talking and being the nice northern girl I am I waited to let them finish. They were talking abut horses so that didn’t bother me that much. Diana was messing with Smocha and he was trying to bite Troy in the head and neck. Then when she was adjusting his blanket he tried to kick her and Racke. Then Racke and Roman went to the other hay bale and I told Diana we needed to go deal with the ring before they did something stupid. We dealt with the ring and went to let the horses out of the barn. By the time I go inside I couldn’t feel my fingers and I just wanted to take a shower I couldn’t there was a male using it at that time so I went to watch Monk. I watched to Monks after Brett got out of the shower and had biscuits and gravy and homemade doughnuts then I took a hot shower. Except my hot shower go cold really fast I still had conditioner in my hair when I went down stairs to boil water so that I could rinse it out. Then I spent the rest of the night making changes the equitation section of the United Mountain Horse Rule book before finally getting to “go to bed” where I checked e-mails and what not.


Debbie said...

Hi Bri, What a trooper!!! You did all the right things to get the job done!! Troubles in between, but you did it. Must have been your up bringing at THF. Good Job and I hope that today was a better day for you. Miss you :)

Ginny McFadden said...


Wow, what a day! I didn't realize there were that many horses where you are living. Your day reminded me of when I kept Charger at my own place and all the things that could go wrong, break, etc. Just when you thought one thing was okay, then you turned around and something else was haywire! Doesn't sound like you lost power like so many others - that's a relief. Keep in touch.