Monday, January 5, 2009

Cowboy Poem-R.C. Come

This is a peom that I wrote about my R.C. I was with him before he was born. I leased his mother from Andrea, a beautful Overo Paint. Wanting to "help give birth" (my first time) . His mother decided to give birth to him quitely in the early morning, with no warning. One of the only babies born at the farm without being stalled. I called him my mud baby for a along time. As he was born outside. I helped Andrea raise him and when he was 1 1/2, I bought him. To the newbies who didn't know him. This is my way of sharing him with you. The name of poem is R.C. Come, that was my call to him, and he always came!!! I have not been able to say those words to any other horse. They are only for R.C. R.C. was diagnosed with carsanoma cancer at 6 years old on a Christmas Eve. He was diagnosed at MSU. We did get him back home to Thunder Hill Farm, and that is where we and all of his friends said good-bye.

R.C. Come

The many months of waiting
There was care taken even before that morn
Paint, no paint? and inticipating.
A quiet morning, no warning, you were born.
R.C. Come

A gentle breath, a trusting colt
A bond began for us upon your birth.
You grew up, and soon learned to bolt
I was preparing for saddle and girth.
R.C. Come

You learned me and I learned you,
Together we grew, I on you and you on me.
The years of adventures for you came soon,
A trusted mount is what I was to see.
R.C. Come

We together have stories to tell,
But now your gone, no more for me to see.
I can feeel your body and smell your smell,
In my heart your soul forever will be be.
R.C. Come

The dream of us is now a memory, a charm,
The lessons I'm to learn someday I'll find.
I smile knowing you are always on this farm,
Along with the response from you thats......

Forever in my mind..... R.C. Come


Ginny McFadden said...

Okay, Deb, that brought back some memories. Now, after some tears, I'll hit the hay. I think everyone will enjoy reading your poem.

A. H. Atkinson said...

Thank you Deb. I did not know him but I know you and I know how much he must have meant to you. Thank you so much for sharing!

Leatha said...

Debra!! That is a beautiful poem!! It made me remember going to pick him up and bring him home to say good bye. It brought a flood of tears! Thank you for sharing your poem. I had not heard it before.