Sunday, January 11, 2009

Cat Tracks

A big cat at Thunder Hill Farm? During the week of New Year's, a bunch of us saw lots of cat tracks out back along the trails and around the paddock area. The tracks were much larger than a barn cat's tracks would be. So, I did some research. Fact is, there are bobcats in Michigan and I think we may have a couple that visit us at night. We even saw them in combination with rabbit tracks. It was very fun to follow the tracks and see where the big cats were walking and how they would follow the trail for a while and then one would break away and walk off the trail and then join back up with it's friend. Here's a photo I took, though you cannot tell how large it is. Also, at this link, you can see the different types of cat tracks -- you judge for yourself.,1607,7-153-10370_12145_43573-146656--,00.html


Reannon Lamb said...

Call me a pessimist, but I have to say that out of the options on the website I think the bobcat looks about right. Although according to Wikipedia, a bobcat would be less of a worry than a pack of coyotes...

Bobcats: "Its preference is for mammals about 1.5 to 12.5 pounds. While larger species such as cattle and horses are not known to be attacked, Bobcats do present a threat to smaller ruminants such as sheep and goats."

Coyotes: "They primarily eat small mammals, such as voles, eastern cottontails, ground squirrels, and mice, though they will eat birds, snakes, lizards, deer, javelina, and livestock as well as large insects and other large invertebrates. Packs of coyotes can bring down prey as large as adult elk, which usually weigh over 250 kg (550 lbs)."

Anyone think an email to the DNR (or other agency) is warranted, if nothing more than to ease our minds?

Debbie said...

Amy, Have you talked to Charlie about this? Before any action is taken, I feel that Charlie needs to be informed, he then can make the call if he feels it nessesary. I agree with Reannon, that the bobcats are not a threat to the horses.

A. H. Atkinson said...

I didn't really look at it as a worry as much as I did think it was pretty cool to see all the tracks. I did mention it to Charlie and nothing more was said. I wasn't expecting any concern so I didn't go looking for any action. I felt like a tracker in the woods -- it was cool to see the bobcat tracks and then the bunny tracks ... as well as the ordinary deer and Mackensie tracks. I think we're fine just watching and enjoying our sights. I honestly don't think even the coyotes are a concern. They'll work hard at getting the chickens next door before they bother with the big horses. :-)

Debbie said...

I agree!!!