Saturday, August 29, 2009

Bees On The Trail

In case you were wondering ... it's not all that fun to ride a horse being attacked by bees. Just as Ginny, Julie and I were talking about how nice it was to be riding without the concern of biting flies and mosquitos on this not-so-seasonably cold day, Harley and Montana were suddenly attacked by a swarm of bees.

It was on the Stepping Log Trail where this encounter occurred and actually it could have been so much worse. Harley and Montana were troopers. They did dance around quite a bit, kicking and thrashing as they were being stung but Julie and I quickly dismounted and walked away from the bees ... grabbed some ferns and swept away the bees from underneath our horses.

Once the bees were gone, they settled down and we were able to get back on and finish our ride. Julie also got stung a couple times - ouch.

We did tell Charlie so hopefully he'll try to get some spray onto them and we'll all be able to return to our beloved Stepping Logs. Both horses have a bunch of welts from the stings but I'm sure they'll be fine. Just wanted to let everyone know so that they too do not have a run-in with the bees.